Monday, July 27, 2009

Photo of me and my son Daniel!!!

So I finally got my rock star photographer husband to take a few shots of me and our son in his room. I Have a friend that does amazing photography and I got the theme from her...... I love her photos! Anyway here it is!!! Enjoy :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

A little bit about breast milk alternatives....

Hi all!

I have noticed this week that I've been giving a lot of advice on alternatives to breast milk. Let me first say that Breast milk is the best form of food for your baby and I endorse it 100% :). But one thing I have been hearing is that moms who are NOT breast feeding are having a hard time finding a formula that works for their baby.

A little education of formula....... Formula has synthetic chemicals in it and it has been proven! Did you know that there is a chemical called Melamine (used in plastic) that they put in formula. Melamine is known to cause cancer in animals and according to the disease control and prevention it is "dangerous for Infants"!!! Of course the "professionals" will tell you that there is not enough to harm your baby but call me crazy...I don't want any cancer causing chemical in my babies food.

So let me ask a very important question...... why is it that they are giving this to us moms to feed to our babies? Hmmm.....makes you wonder.

So what's the solution? Well aside from breast feeding........ try Goats milk. It is the closest thing to breast milk there is! My son used and is using it and he loves it! It is very sensitive on their little digestive systems and is packed with vitamins! Just try it! If it is too sour try putting a few drops of stevia (an all natural sweetener found at a health food store) in it. It works wonders!

Good luck and God bless!!!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Why I started a blog...

Hi My name is Katie. I wanted to share why I started a blog and what my heart is in all of this.

First of all I would like to say that I am all about love. I strive to love everyone. It doesn't always happen but I am trying and it is a daily process. I want every person who reads this to know that what I am saying, I am saying out of love and not condemnation or judgement. I will probably write about a lot of controversial topics so that is why I am saying all of that.

My mom actually gave me the idea of writing a blog and so I started one. I was talking with her and I really wanted to somehow share my heart on my passions in life.

One of my greatest passions in life is nutrition. Now let me just clarify myself first :). I am not a super skinny powerhouse who works out 24/7 and eats raw food haha. I am a mom and a wife and I know how hard it is to stay healthy, afford good food, find time to work out, and have a family at the same time. I struggle with all the same things that every other mom struggles with. I am a very real person. At least I really try to be. All that said..... I'll continue.

Growing up my mom was pretty good about teaching us to eat healthy. She wasn't one of those moms who would let there kids eat lucky charms for breakfast. She wasn't perfect of course but what mom is? She taught us to eat good and all that Jazz... One thing she was uneducated in was medicine. That is why I wanted to help educate other moms on this issue and others as well.

My mom, like most moms out there, grew up thinking that going to the doctor, getting vaccinated, taking medications, etc was normal. I grew up thinking that too. I thought that people who didn't go to the doctor and get vaccinated were crazy!!! I couldn't understand why they would risk getting all those "diseases". Well......little did I know. I was vaccinated from the day I was a little girl until I was 19. Had to get them for school, camp, missions trips....all that stuff. I always thought they would be preventing me from getting "diseases" but I never stopped tho think what they would be doing to my body. I was sick at least once every month until I was about 20!! I never knew why until a few years ago. Once my insurance stopped working I found myself unable to get vaccinated. Well, its been about 3 1/2 years since I've been vaccinated. Been to 4, 3rd world countries, and never once got a disease that these vaccines were supposed to fight, and I'm healthier than I've ever been!

My son, who is 1, was born in Costa Rica in our bathtub. My husband delivered him and we had NO medical help, no medicine, no monitors, no pain killers, no machines, and no vaccinations. All that said he is the the healthiest baby/toddler I have ever seen in my life! I wanted to provide my children with the healthy lifestyle I wish that my mom would have known about when she was raising my sister and I. Don't get me wrong....she is an amazing mom and she was just doing what she thought would be best for us, as all moms do!

That is just a little bit about our story and the lifestyle we pursue. I hope you all enjoyed it and are encouraged by it! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them!!!
